Mirroring the World

From SimCity to Universe in a Shoebox—the growth of digital twins and what they mean to small- and medium-sized manufacturers Video game developer Maxis released its hit product SimCity in 1989. In it, players constructed digital replicas of streets, buildings,…

Marking time

Three recent laser marking advancements have hit the market to improve operations There’s no shortage of ways to identify machined and fabricated metal components. Bag and tag. Adhesive labels. Electrochemical etching. Rubber stamps and an ink pad. For those with…

Riding the Wave

New York manufacturing team develops a low-cost emergency ventilator in three weeks In times of need, manufacturing is driven by a philosophy John Lennon said best, “There are no problems, only solutions.” Today, manufacturers have pivoted to produce the critical…

Wrap it Up

For those of you who’ve poured your hearts and hundreds of hours into a batch of precision parts, stacked them lovingly on a pallet and wrapped it all in plastic, cardboard and metal banding before placing it into the back…