Some Feedback

“Excellent article. As good as anything we’ve published.”

“Kip Hanson did a great job presenting a balanced article that shed light on the advantages that live tooling can provide, as well as the cost and maintenance associated with the tooling. If you need help with other articles, we would be happy to participate in the future.”

“I think your contributions have elevated the quality of the magazine and I’m glad to have you as part of our team.”

“The article looks awesome to me, you did a great job.”

“Great job Kip!  It came together quite nicely.”

I love this!  Great voice, Kip, with much history woven throughout. Thanks for the quick turnaround.”

“This is fantastic.  Great job.  I am going to pass it along to my colleagues.”

Very nice article and information. Thank you for allowing us to help with it.”

“They were very impressed with your manufacturing knowledge. Great job on the interview!”

“Congratulations on this very well done article! Let me know when this is published. I will include it in our promotions, social pages, and on our website.”

“I like the piece a lot. From the first super-draft by Kip—which obviously provided the structure and tone to easily support the personalized additions—to the final draft. Great job!”

“Compliments and thx for the real nice article! Well done you guys.”

“Really good article, by the way. Well sourced and well-paced. The layout looks good, too.”

“I’ve attached the edited version of prototyping. Great job! You hit a home run on this one.” 

You’re an asset to our magazine and have really helped to elevate the quality of editorial.”

Attached is your excellent case study with very minor tracked changes. We all liked it. Thanks again for a fine piece of writing!”

Wow, at first read I’m finding this beautifully written with a nice, tight narrative. Be assured you are doin’ it right.”

“Thank you for writing this wonderful piece, Kip, and being on our team.”

I just took a quick glance at your draft and this is terrific, Kip!  I think we should leave the opening as is and see what the client thinks. It really sings, as does the whole piece…”

“Excellent job, Kip!  You really know what you are talking about with 3D printing. Nice work on the pix and captions, too.”

“Congratulations!  Your brain stretched in the right directions on this, Kip.  A very nice read.”

“This looks good to me — nice going, Kip!”

Thanks for the fast response. By the way, Kip, I really appreciate your timely responses and attention to deadlines. It’s a big help for me.”

“This is a very good article. Interesting, fair and balanced, and well-sourced.”

“Many thanks for the quick work! Looks great!”

Just had the chance to read it over, and everything sounded great to me. Very well written!” 

It all looks good. I really appreciate your efforts here!”

Thanks very much for sending this through and doing a great job capturing our discussion. Look forward to seeing this in the market.”

“My read-through showed your usual narrative strengths and great focus on the customer.”

Thank you for reaching out to us, we always look forward to working with you on articles.”

“Good morning Kip, I like the article, plus what the other engineers had to say as well. Thank you so much for the opportunity.”

“I just received final approval from Nathan, since this is more of his area of expertise. My eye sees that it’s well-worded and flows nicely, and the information sounds spot on. I’ll also say it’s a go.”

Reads great, as usual.”

“Thank you for the very nice article on micro abrasive waterjets. It was a pleasure reading it! The technology needs this type of attention to reach market awareness and this was a very good contribution to show opportunities.”

“It’s a real nice story and we’ll distribute it proudly.”

Another awesome story! I’ve only given it a quick pass through, but great stuff.”

“You’re very good at what you’re doing Kip! Great piece.”

This article is going to be killer. As Al Pacino said in one of his movies “I’m giving you pearls here kid” that’s what you’re doing & if they listen it will help many shops be more competitive & keep jobs here or help bring em’ back! Thanks Kip again very nice work!”

Looks great. Please send us the link to the article when released and we share on our social media channels.”

Just read the article, it’s great. I wish I could write my papers this well.”

“Awesome article you wrote last September 2022. Any chance you might have a few minutes to offer advice?”